MARRIED: Monitor, Alert, Recover, Repair, Integrate, Explain, Document

Gerrit Riessen
13 min readNov 3, 2020


As software developers, for better or for worse, we are married to the applications we build and the systems we run. In good and in bad times, we are responsible for ensuring that our systems are healthy.

One indicator are tests: unit tests, integration tests, regression tests. But tests are generally used to check the static health of an application, not the dynamic state of the running system. Here I mean we test an application before we deploy it, subsequently it becomes part of a dynamic running system.

Since it is not practical to continually test a running system, we take measurements as a proxy for these tests and thereby have a measure of the system health. Health is defined by limits: if a measurement is within its respective measurement limits, the system is considered healthy.

There are general measurements, such CPU and memory usage, disk space and response times. However, a larger pool of measurements are system specific, or semantically oriented measurements that are unique for each application and the system in which the application is running.

Example of a semantically oriented measurement is measuring clicks on banner ads for an advertising application. Having zero clicks on a banner might be an indication of an unhealthy system. But it might also indicate that an ad campaign was stopped. Which of the two scenarios is the case, is depended on the state of the running system and defines system healthiness.

In combination, all measurements provide an insight into the state of the system. Defining limits for these measurements defines system healthiness. In defining these limits, we begin to understand the dynamic system in its entirety, not only as a single static application.

Unhealthy Systems

By defining the limits for a healthy system, we automagically define the inverse: indicators for an unhealthy system. Since we’re are responsible for the application, we also need to deal with an unhealthy system. MARRIED tries to provide a strategy for dealing with unhealthy systems.

In turn, having a strategy for handling unhealthy systems allows for the adoption of a on-call duty roster and 24/7 support of running systems. Which might or might not be relevant, depending on the costs involved. The cost of waking a developer in the middle of the night might well be far less than the cost of a broken system; there aren’t any hard and fast rules.

Without measurements, the MARRIED strategy is not possible. If there is no measurement, then there can’t be an alert. Meaning, MARRIED is only as effective as its weakest (or least missing) measurement.

MARRIED is one possible strategy for handling system failure. It is not the only strategy to handle system failure. Even ignoring failure is a strategy. If the only take-away from this article is that you start to think about how to deal with your system when it becomes unhealthy or fails, that’s great. If you don’t think that having a healthy system is important for you, that’s also fine. Eventually, there will be situations where every second of downtime has a cost and defining a strategy to reduce and prevent downtime will then be important.

Embrace Failure

System failure can be frustrating but nothing is perfect and failure is part of every dynamic system. Avoid the blame game. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone sometimes has to carry the bucket. Embrace failure and learn from it.

Avoid the false sense of security that comes with writing lots of tests. Applications will always behaviour exotically when real users, in real environments are let loose on dynamic running system. Know the state of the system at all times.

Off-the-Shelf Solutions

There are plenty of off-the-shelf solutions, avoid building your own systems for supporting MARRIED. Avoid getting stuck in a Catch-22 situation where you begin to monitor your own monitoring systems.

If your company is unwilling to invest in third party solutions, then the company has either not experienced system failures or has no vested interest in recovery from failure. Make the case, what are the costs of downtime? Here cost can be non-monetary: PR costs, lost users, angry users, delays, and so on. What is the cost of recovery? Waking developers, extra SaaS tools, and so on.

I’ll now explain MARRIED (Monitor, Alert, Recover, Repair, Integrate, Explain, Document) in more details. Roughly ordered by occurrence, each step also has an association with the previous step.

Monitoring: based on Instrumentation

Tools: AppOptics, AppSignal, Sentry, Pingdom, Cloudwatch, DataDog, NewRelic, for example.

For me, instrumentation are all measurements of the running system that third-party tools will provide out-of-the box. Custom Instrumentation (CI13N) on the other hand, are all those measures that are semantically oriented measurements of a dynamic system, defined by what the application actually does.

Example of CI13N, Pingdom can ping your top level domain, but it can also ping specific URLs into your system. Pinging the top level domain, e.g., comes out of the box. Pinging is a specific URL of the system, so it’s a CI13N that you need to setup.

CI13N — Custom Instrumentation

There should be a simple and clear way to collect CI13N metrics in the codebase. Ideally this should be as simple as CI13NCollector.increment("metric").

A metric being defined as a specific measurement in time of an system attribute, e.g. banner clicks.

If collecting metrics is too complex, then no one will do it. This includes the setup of a new metric: metrics should be dynamically created by the third party collecting services.

Collecting metrics should be done as soon as possible. They can be a good indication of incorrect system assumptions. Also starting early will make it easier to know what to measure. Usually once you start, you will realise that there is a lot more that can be measured.

Hence, when collecting metrics, the more the merrier! Err on the side of more instrumentation than less. Basically if in doubt, create a metric and record the value. You never know when something goes wrong, what caused the failure, and in those cases it great to have lots of insights into the running system.

The second part to monitoring is creating limits which define system health. It is these limits that define when alerts are generated. A zero-based limit, i.e. one is too much, would be if an exception is generated, then that would be an alert. If Pingdom fails to reach your application, then that would be an alert.

More difficult limits are for CI13N. Since these are specific to the system, no one has experience with what is a healthy limit for a CI13N. Therefore it’s always a good idea, when defining a new metric, to wait a week before defining a limit for that metric. Else you will generate too many false-positive alerts. Another reason to start early with collecting metrics.

Informational Exceptions

Informational exceptions are exceptions being raised because an unexpected condition was reached not because something failed. Developers raise these exceptions as an indication of the fact that something needs to be fixed but they don’t know yet know what and how. Having a workflow for collecting metrics allows developers to better log these situations using a specific metric. Exceptions should remain an indication of system failure not an indication of unexpected behaviour.

Of course, system failure can be caused by unexpected behaviour but unexpected behaviour should not cause exceptions.

Monitoring can be seen as the process of regularly checking that the metric values remain within the bounds of specific limits. Hence monitoring can be seen as the enforcement of limits on the current state of the running system.

When these limits aren’t being meet, alerts will be triggered and become the initial indicator for an unhealthy system.

Alerts: when monitoring detects unhealthiness

Tools: AppOptics, PagerDuty, Sentry, Slack, for example.

Alerts are the visible part of a good monitoring strategy. Generally they will end up in Slack channels, Email inboxes and in worse cases, as SMSs on peoples phones — at three in the morning!

Generally alerts have an time-based upwards percolation: if the first developer assigned to an alert doesn’t fix it, then the next in line gets notified. All the way to the C-levels.


Hence: Alerts aren’t informational, they are call-to-actions. Alert should only be triggered if there is definitely something broken and something needs fixing. An alert should never be an FYI. For FYIs there are metrics and graphs that can be analysed during business hours.

Alerts are triggered by the monitoring setup. Monitoring is based on metrics and limits. Is a limit reached, an alert is triggered. Alerts are re-triggered as long as the metric isn’t within the limit. Alerts can also be setup to be time-based: only if the metric is above a certain limit for certain time period is an alert triggered.

This is the reason why it’s very important to set sensible limits for metrics. If there are too few alerts as the system is failing, i.e. no one is noticing failure, then management will see no value in having monitoring. Are there too many false-positive alerts, then no one will notice a system failure since alerts will start to be ignored. Are there just the right number of alerts, developers will be paid bonuses for doing a good job!

Having said that, in the beginning, there will always be false-positives alerts since limits are changing or not yet understood, that’s fine. However, it should not become the gold standard.

Alerts should be triggered not when the system has failed but when it is in a critical state, i.e. the system is unhealthy. This is a fine judgement call since it makes the assumption that the system won’t self-heal and is instead is facing certain doom.

This call is made when setting up the limits. Err on the side of caution when setting limits for metrics. There aren’t any hard and fast rules for getting this right, experience is the only saving grace here.

Handling Alerts

First alerts are triggered, secondly they are handled. This entails a strategy for first diagnosing an alert, i.e. what caused the alert. Secondly, resolving an alert, i.e. when can we safely say that the alert won’t happen again.

Alerts should be linked to runbooks. Runbooks provide details on what the alert means, how it can be diagnosed, what tools might be useful, what metric caused the alert to be triggered and how to recover from the alert (if known).

Alerts always happen at 3 in the morning

As much as possible try using deeplinks to tools that can help and always remember: runbooks must be useful at three am in the morning, for a developer who has never worked with the code — write them accordingly!

Of course, unknown alerts will not have runbooks. In those cases it is important to create missing runbooks or update existing ones. Always link new runbooks to their corresponding alert.

Recovery: returning to a health system

Tools: Runbooks

Recovery addresses the symptoms but doesn’t fix the underlying cause. It is taking painkillers instead of getting a cure.

Why is recovery like this? Because this is what you do at three in the morning. The system needs to be put back into an health state. The aim of recovery is to get the system back up and running, in the shortest possible timeframe. This also tends to be something done by a single developer, late at night.

When an alert happens, there should be a clear path to recovery. Recovery should be as smooth as possible. When that is not the case, it’s a matter of improving descriptions of how recovery can be achieved. So the runbook should be updated if it’s not clear how to recover.

Remember: Runbooks are the recipes to recovery.

Everything around the process of recovery will eventually lead to fixing the cause permanently. Although, a fix may also be that the system self-heals by applying the path-to-recovery automagically, by itself.

Of course, self-healing systems are one thing, a working system is always better. It’s a fine line between self-healing and working: sometimes there isn’t a permanent fix (or the cost for a fix is too high in comparison) and perhaps the best option is getting the system to fix the symptoms automagically, i.e. self healing.

Repair: fix the underlying problems

Tools: Your Favourite: Editor, Planing tool, Development Process.

Repairing addresses the cause, it is a permanent fix for something that is broken. As such, it takes time and shouldn’t be done in hurry or rush. Repairing the code so that the alert doesn’t get triggered is something that happens during office hours, not late at night. As such, everyone is involved.

Roughly speaking, there are three approaches to repairing:

  1. Adjust the limits that triggered the alert. Perhaps the limit was not set correctly,
  2. Take the recovery steps outline in the runbook and apply them programmatically when the alert would happen. Thus making the system self-healing, or
  3. Fix the underlying cause, having understood what the cause is.

These are ordered roughly in amount of effort required. It all depends on what is expected — either way, do the right thing.

There is also an fourth possibility and that is to remove the alert and metric from the code and ignore the underlying cause. This might well be the case if the code has become redundant. However, this should be rare since the effort was made to collect the metric, setup the trigger and potentially write a runbook.

Having found the underling cause, integrate the fix into the codebase.

Integrate: apply fixes permanently in the codebase

Tools: Your favourite version control system

Having a fix for an alert will generally require more monitoring, i.e. the definition of new metrics. So integration is also concerned with adding monitoring and/or extending existing monitoring for the repaired code.

Avoid removing existing alert triggers even if the fix has been integrated. Triggers and alerts that are defined but remain unused are a good source of regression. If something does go wrong with the fix, then existing alerts might well pick that up.

Only remove alert triggers if the code is removed, refactored or redundant.

Explain: why did it happen

Tools: Brainpower and your favourite search engine.

Explaining an alert and it is underlying cause is something, of course, that does not start here. It begins with the alert and ends with the documentation.

Being able to explain exactly what happened and why it happened can sometimes be very difficult. Code can be confusing, systems are a combination of code, assumptions, reality and users; fixing issues based on wrong assumptions in combination with confusing code is one of the more interesting experiences in a developers professional career.

Edge cases in code. Incorrect assumptions about external services. Users using systems other than for what they were designed for. And many more strange and impossible things are the cause for alerts and system failures.

This is another good reason for alerts to happen as early as possible, it provides more time to understand failure. Alerts should happen early and fast!

Document: learn and prevent reoccurrence

Tools: GitHub Wikis, Google Docs, Confluence, PostIt Notes, for example.

Runbooks are the documentation for alerts. And as such, they are close to the codebase. My preference, when using GitHub, is to use GitHub Wikis for runbooks. This isn’t a perfect solution since these can be renamed and then links become stale. But they can be quickly and easily updated.

Every alert should be documented. Documentation includes the why there is an alert, aka limit, the what to do when an alert happens — this includes links to logs, links to further documentation — and how to recover from the alert.

Other things to include are links to tools that provide more insights are also important. Or links to the code that collects the underlying metrics. Links to metric graphs to have an insight of value development are also very useful.

Aim of documentation is to prevent incident handling of live system from becoming tacit knowledge of a few developers. Spreading the knowledge allows the workload to be spread amongst the developers.


Are simply descriptions of what to do when an alert is triggered. These describe which tools are available to diagnose the situation, what could potentially be the source the alert and how to recover from the alert. Runbooks aren’t static documents, these will be regularly updated as alerts happen. Hence the editing runbooks must be as simply as possible. Also avoid having specific rules for how a runbooks’ structure. A good starting point are freeform wiki pages.

Also embrace failure and don’t be shy to document it: there is no such thing as 100% or if it’s 100%, it’s not being used!


Why are Runbooks so important? Because alerts don’t happen everyday and knowing how to recover from alerts is a fleeting bit of knowledge. So documenting this knowledge so that it’s available immediately is a real aid in recovering from rarely occurring alerts.


As developers, we have a responsible for the systems we build. Part of this responsibility is keeping applications running 24/7. As such, we require an incident response strategy.

MARRIED is one such strategy. MARRIED isn’t about specifics, it’s about how to structure the handling of live incidents in running systems. Covering the entire lifecycle, from identifying potential incidents quickly to preventing repetition.

Each company and system is different, and it might well be the case that the cost of having a 24/7 incident response strategy is financial not comparable to the cost of failure and downtime. This is also a valid strategy. It questionable whether this strategy future proof though.

If this article made you reflect on your incident response strategy then that’s a good thing.

Further Reading

  • Application Performance Monitoring — APM provide out-of-the-box metrics. This is what AppSignal, NewRelic, DataDog, ScoutAPM etc all do out of the box. Monitoring, for me, includes APM data and also custom instrumentation which provide semantic insights into the running system.
  • Custom Instrumentation — (CI13N) measure the application specific semantics and generate application-specific metrics. There are no golden rules how or what to measure, it all depends on the system. For example, for a classic blog application page-views would be a good metric. If that hits zero, you know something is not working.
  • Fault tolerance, high availability and disaster recovery — what does this cover? MARRIED is focussed on disaster recovery, with the aim of having a high availability system that is also fault tolerant. MARRIED does this by documenting alerts: the more you know about your system, the better you can maintain it.



Gerrit Riessen
Gerrit Riessen

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